A bit about me and why I put this website together. Obviously I think swimming is important for everyone. In my view it’s the most effective and sensible workout anywhere.
Many people like you need care and attention to overcome an early experience or trauma. I say that learning to swim is within your grasp. You are the people I want to reach.
Safety comes first, believe me. I’ve had my share of frightening swimming and scuba diving experiences (I get sudden leg cramps and have gone right under). So yes, I have fear, and can never forget it. But I love the water too much to stay away, so I keep a healthy respect and make sure to not swim alone.
Part of this website site, friends, is a writeup on water safety, covering statistics to prevention and rescue “musts.”
I was lucky to have good teachers both within and outside of my family. I competed from age 7 till 18 or so, stopping at last in college.
I’ve taught swimming to just about everyone — via the Red Cross, any number of YWCAs and YMCAs, at facilities for psychiatric and developmentally disabled populations, for private and public health clubs, as well as in private home pools.
I’ve taught babies from 6 months (rarely fearful unless their adults are) to adults at any age. Every group I’ve taught included at least one scared new swimmer.
In the mid-1980s, I taught at a health club in Manhattan, specializing in private lessons for students with a fear of water. It was from these private students that I learned to retool my lessons, addressing breathing basics immediately. Nothing else would happen until this was cleared up first!
RelaxnSwim.com is the pre-lesson resource I’d always wished for my students before I’d meet them at the pool for lessons. My swim students taught me right, and I learned to help them more effectively. The simple breathing exercises I describe should be learned before the first pool lesson, if possible.
Please stay in touch and tell me how your lessons are going. After all, it’s to your credit that you are taking lessons. The best is yet to come for you. I know you want to be swimming with confidence already – isn’t that why you stopped by here?
I’ve said it before: I’m convinced that you will learn to swim with enough support. May these on-land lessons be the right start.
That’s it. I’m rooting for you!
Liz Wassell
At Madame Tussauds, 2002. But where are the women swimmers?
Above: I finally “met” one of my heroes back in 2002.
(he hasn’t changed a bit! although freakishly tall…)