This section's pages:

1. What's a Phobia?
2. EFT for Phobias
3.Tam's and Doreen's Stories
4. Avi's Story
5. Rebecca's Story

6. Bach Flower Remedies


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Phobia Help

What's a phobia?

Phobia: a persistent, extreme or irrational fear of a specific object or situation.

  • About 50 million phobia sufferers live in the United States alone.

It's not clear just how a phobia is formed. Many people have a distinct memory of the event that started their fear, though.

Psychologists divide phobias into 3 general categories:
  • Social – fear of social encounters
  • Panic Disorder – occasional nonspecific bouts with fear
  • Specific – fear of natural environments, of injury or blood, of animals or insects or of dangerous situations
It's one thing to really dislike something; it's another to experience a true phobic reaction. Phobic reactions can include
  • a racing heart
  • short, shallow breaths
  • sweating and
  • a fear of death

Finally, phobia means complete avoidance of what you fear.
To see if your fear is a bona fide phobia, try this test:


Regardless of what you call it

It doesn't matter one iota, really, how you label your fear of water.
I care that you make peace with your fear, get to your lessons already,
and start to swim.
I'll be the first to admit a "healthy respect" for water,
since water IS a dangerous element under certain conditions.
But respect means you can definitely swim for fun and with safety,
without avoidance, which doesn't work anyhow.
You just get more fearful that way. Argh!

So, how to face your fear? Have a look...

updated 7/4/08


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